enum Sema::LiteralOperatorLookupResult


The possible outcomes of name lookup for a literal operator.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Sema/Sema.h:4240


LOLR_Error0The lookup resulted in an error.
LOLR_ErrorNoDiagnostic1The lookup found no match but no diagnostic was issued.
LOLR_Cooked2The lookup found a single 'cooked' literal operator, which expects a normal literal to be built and passed to it.
LOLR_Raw3The lookup found a single 'raw' literal operator, which expects a string literal containing the spelling of the literal token.
LOLR_Template4The lookup found an overload set of literal operator templates, which expect the characters of the spelling of the literal token to be passed as a non-type template argument pack.
LOLR_StringTemplatePack5The lookup found an overload set of literal operator templates, which expect the character type and characters of the spelling of the string literal token to be passed as template arguments.