enum class Event::EventKind

Declared at: clang/include/clang/DirectoryWatcher/DirectoryWatcher.h:67


Modified1Content of a file was modified.
WatchedDirRemoved2The watched directory got deleted.
WatcherGotInvalidated3The DirectoryWatcher that originated this event is no longer valid and its behavior is unspecified.The prime case is kernel signalling to OS-specific implementation of DirectoryWatcher some resource limit being hit. *Usually* kernel starts dropping or squashing events together after that and so would DirectoryWatcher. This means that *some* events might still be passed to Receiver but this behavior is unspecified.Another case is after the watched directory itself is deleted. WatcherGotInvalidated will be received at least once during DirectoryWatcher instance lifetime - when handling errors this is done on best effort basis, when an instance is being destroyed then this is guaranteed.The only proper response to this kind of event is to destruct the originating DirectoryWatcher instance and create a new one.