enum TransformationMode


The mode sets how eager a transformation should be applied.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Transforms/Utils/LoopUtils.h:268


TM_Unspecified0The pass can use heuristics to determine whether a transformation should be applied.
TM_Enable1The transformation should be applied without considering a cost model.
TM_Disable2The transformation should not be applied.
TM_Force4Force is a flag and should not be used alone.
TM_ForcedByUser5The transformation was directed by the user, e.g. by a #pragma in the source code. If the transformation could not be applied, a warning should be emitted.
TM_SuppressedByUser6The transformation must not be applied. For instance, `#pragma clang loop unroll(disable)` explicitly forbids any unrolling to take place. Unlike general loop metadata, it must not be dropped. Most passes should not behave differently under TM_Disable and TM_SuppressedByUser.