ΒΆLLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateObjCProperty(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
    const char* Name,
    size_t NameLen,
    LLVMMetadataRef File,
    unsigned int LineNo,
    const char* GetterName,
    size_t GetterNameLen,
    const char* SetterName,
    size_t SetterNameLen,
    unsigned int PropertyAttributes,
    LLVMMetadataRef Ty)


Create debugging information entry for Objective-C property.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm-c/DebugInfo.h:839


LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder
The DIBuilder.
const char* Name
Property name.
size_t NameLen
The length of the C string passed to \c Name.
LLVMMetadataRef File
File where this property is defined.
unsigned int LineNo
Line number.
const char* GetterName
Name of the Objective C property getter selector.
size_t GetterNameLen
The length of the C string passed to \c GetterName.
const char* SetterName
Name of the Objective C property setter selector.
size_t SetterNameLen
The length of the C string passed to \c SetterName.
unsigned int PropertyAttributes
Objective C property attributes.
LLVMMetadataRef Ty