ΒΆint clang_getCursorPlatformAvailability(
    CXCursor cursor,
    int* always_deprecated,
    CXString* deprecated_message,
    int* always_unavailable,
    CXString* unavailable_message,
    CXPlatformAvailability* availability,
    int availability_size)


Determine the availability of the entity that this cursor refers to on any platforms for which availability information is known. Note that the client is responsible for calling\c clang_disposeCXPlatformAvailability to free each of the platform-availability structures returned. There are\c min(N, availability_size) such structures.

Declared at: clang/include/clang-c/Index.h:3015


CXCursor cursor
The cursor to query.
int* always_deprecated
If non-NULL, will be set to indicate whether the entity is deprecated on all platforms.
CXString* deprecated_message
If non-NULL, will be set to the message text provided along with the unconditional deprecation of this entity. The client is responsible for deallocating this string.
int* always_unavailable
If non-NULL, will be set to indicate whether the entity is unavailable on all platforms.
CXString* unavailable_message
If non-NULL, will be set to the message text provided along with the unconditional unavailability of this entity. The client is responsible for deallocating this string.
CXPlatformAvailability* availability
If non-NULL, an array of CXPlatformAvailability instances that will be populated with platform availability information, up to either the number of platforms for which availability information is available (as returned by this function) or \c availability_size, whichever is smaller.
int availability_size
The number of elements available in the\c availability array.


The number of platforms (N) for which availability information is available (which is unrelated to \c availability_size).