ΒΆLLVMMetadataRef LLVMDIBuilderCreateClassType(
    LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder,
    LLVMMetadataRef Scope,
    const char* Name,
    size_t NameLen,
    LLVMMetadataRef File,
    unsigned int LineNumber,
    uint64_t SizeInBits,
    uint32_t AlignInBits,
    uint64_t OffsetInBits,
    LLVMDIFlags Flags,
    LLVMMetadataRef DerivedFrom,
    LLVMMetadataRef* Elements,
    unsigned int NumElements,
    LLVMMetadataRef VTableHolder,
    LLVMMetadataRef TemplateParamsNode,
    const char* UniqueIdentifier,
    size_t UniqueIdentifierLen)


Create debugging information entry for a class.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm-c/DebugInfo.h:1010


LLVMDIBuilderRef Builder
LLVMMetadataRef Scope
Scope in which this class is defined.
const char* Name
Class name.
size_t NameLen
The length of the C string passed to \c Name.
LLVMMetadataRef File
File where this member is defined.
unsigned int LineNumber
Line number.
uint64_t SizeInBits
Member size.
uint32_t AlignInBits
Member alignment.
uint64_t OffsetInBits
Member offset.
LLVMDIFlags Flags
Flags to encode member attribute, e.g. private.
LLVMMetadataRef DerivedFrom
Debug info of the base class of this type.
LLVMMetadataRef* Elements
Class members.
unsigned int NumElements
Number of class elements.
LLVMMetadataRef VTableHolder
Debug info of the base class that contains vtable for this type. This is used in DW_AT_containing_type. See DWARF documentation for more info.
LLVMMetadataRef TemplateParamsNode
Template type parameters.
const char* UniqueIdentifier
A unique identifier for the type.
size_t UniqueIdentifierLen
Length of the unique identifier.