class BranchProbabilityInfo::BasicBlockCallbackVH


class BranchProbabilityInfo::BasicBlockCallbackVH : public CallbackVH { /* full declaration omitted */ };


Value handle with callbacks on RAUW and destruction. This is a value handle that allows subclasses to define callbacks that run when the underlying Value has RAUW called on it or is destroyed. This class can be used as the key of a map, as long as the user takes it out of the map before calling setValPtr() (since the map has to rearrange itself when the pointer changes). Unlike ValueHandleBase, this class has a vtable.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/BranchProbabilityInfo.h:270

Inherits from: CallbackVH

Member Variables

private llvm::BranchProbabilityInfo* BPI

Method Overview

Inherited from CallbackVH:

Inherited from ValueHandleBase:


    const llvm::Value* V,
    llvm::BranchProbabilityInfo* BPI = nullptr)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/BranchProbabilityInfo.h:279


const llvm::Value* V
llvm::BranchProbabilityInfo* BPI = nullptr

void deleted()


Callback for Value destruction. Called when this->getValPtr() is destroyed, inside ~Value(), so you may call any non-virtual Value method on getValPtr(), but no subclass methods. If WeakTrackingVH were implemented as a CallbackVH, it would use this method to call setValPtr(NULL). AssertingVH would use this method to cause an assertion failure. All implementations must remove the reference from this object to the Value that's being destroyed.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/BranchProbabilityInfo.h:273