class FalsePositiveRefutationBRVisitor


class FalsePositiveRefutationBRVisitor : public BugReporterVisitor { /* full declaration omitted */ };


The bug visitor will walk all the nodes in a path and collect all the constraints. When it reaches the root node, will create a refutation manager and check if the constraints are satisfiable

Declared at: clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugReporterVisitors.h:596

Inherits from: BugReporterVisitor

Member Variables

private clang::ento::ConstraintMap Constraints
Holds the constraints in a given path

Method Overview

  • public FalsePositiveRefutationBRVisitor()
  • public void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID & ID) const
  • public clang::ento::PathDiagnosticPieceRef VisitNode(const clang::ento::ExplodedNode * N, clang::ento::BugReporterContext & BRC, clang::ento::PathSensitiveBugReport & BR)
  • public void addConstraints(const clang::ento::ExplodedNode * N, bool OverwriteConstraintsOnExistingSyms)
  • public void finalizeVisitor(clang::ento::BugReporterContext & BRC, const clang::ento::ExplodedNode * EndPathNode, clang::ento::PathSensitiveBugReport & BR)

Inherited from BugReporterVisitor:

Inherited from FoldingSetBase::Node:



Declared at: clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugReporterVisitors.h:602

void Profile(llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID) const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugReporterVisitors.h:604


llvm::FoldingSetNodeID& ID

clang::ento::PathDiagnosticPieceRef VisitNode(
    const clang::ento::ExplodedNode* N,
    clang::ento::BugReporterContext& BRC,
    clang::ento::PathSensitiveBugReport& BR)


Return a diagnostic piece which should be associated with the given node. Note that this function does *not* get run on the very last node of the report, as the PathDiagnosticPiece associated with the last node should be unique. Use \ref getEndPath to customize the note associated with the report end instead. The last parameter can be used to register a new visitor with the given BugReport while processing a node.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugReporterVisitors.h:606


const clang::ento::ExplodedNode* N
clang::ento::BugReporterContext& BRC
clang::ento::PathSensitiveBugReport& BR

void addConstraints(
    const clang::ento::ExplodedNode* N,
    bool OverwriteConstraintsOnExistingSyms)

Declared at: clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugReporterVisitors.h:612


const clang::ento::ExplodedNode* N
bool OverwriteConstraintsOnExistingSyms

void finalizeVisitor(
    clang::ento::BugReporterContext& BRC,
    const clang::ento::ExplodedNode* EndPathNode,
    clang::ento::PathSensitiveBugReport& BR)


Last function called on the visitor, no further calls to VisitNode would follow.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/StaticAnalyzer/Core/BugReporter/BugReporterVisitors.h:610


clang::ento::BugReporterContext& BRC
const clang::ento::ExplodedNode* EndPathNode
clang::ento::PathSensitiveBugReport& BR