class CrossTranslationUnitContext::ASTUnitStorage


class CrossTranslationUnitContext::ASTUnitStorage { /* full declaration omitted */ };


Storage and load of ASTUnits, cached access, and providing searchability are the concerns of ASTUnitStorage class.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.h:291

Member Variables

private clang::cross_tu::CrossTranslationUnitContext:: ASTUnitStorage::OwningMapTy FileASTUnitMap
private clang::cross_tu::CrossTranslationUnitContext:: ASTUnitStorage::NonOwningMapTy NameASTUnitMap
private clang::cross_tu::CrossTranslationUnitContext:: ASTUnitStorage::IndexMapTy NameFileMap
private clang::cross_tu::CrossTranslationUnitContext:: ASTLoader Loader
Loads the AST based on the identifier found in the index.
private clang::cross_tu::CrossTranslationUnitContext:: ASTLoadGuard LoadGuard
Limit the number of loaded ASTs. It is used to limit the memory usage of the CrossTranslationUnitContext. The ASTUnitStorage has the information whether the AST to load is actually loaded or returned from cache. This information is needed to maintain the counter.

Method Overview

  • public ASTUnitStorage(clang::CompilerInstance & CI)
  • private llvm::Error ensureCTUIndexLoaded(llvm::StringRef CrossTUDir, llvm::StringRef IndexName)
  • private llvm::Expected<ASTUnit *> getASTUnitForFile(llvm::StringRef FileName, bool DisplayCTUProgress)
  • public llvm::Expected<ASTUnit *> getASTUnitForFunction(llvm::StringRef FunctionName, llvm::StringRef CrossTUDir, llvm::StringRef IndexName, bool DisplayCTUProgress)
  • public llvm::Expected<std::string> getFileForFunction(llvm::StringRef FunctionName, llvm::StringRef CrossTUDir, llvm::StringRef IndexName)


ASTUnitStorage(clang::CompilerInstance& CI)

Declared at: clang/include/clang/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.h:293


clang::CompilerInstance& CI

llvm::Error ensureCTUIndexLoaded(
    llvm::StringRef CrossTUDir,
    llvm::StringRef IndexName)

Declared at: clang/include/clang/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.h:324


llvm::StringRef CrossTUDir
llvm::StringRef IndexName

llvm::Expected<ASTUnit*> getASTUnitForFile(
    llvm::StringRef FileName,
    bool DisplayCTUProgress)

Declared at: clang/include/clang/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.h:325


llvm::StringRef FileName
bool DisplayCTUProgress

llvm::Expected<ASTUnit*> getASTUnitForFunction(
    llvm::StringRef FunctionName,
    llvm::StringRef CrossTUDir,
    llvm::StringRef IndexName,
    bool DisplayCTUProgress)


Loads an ASTUnit for a function.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.h:305


llvm::StringRef FunctionName
USR name of the function.
llvm::StringRef CrossTUDir
Path to the directory used to store CTU related files.
llvm::StringRef IndexName
Name of the file inside \p CrossTUDir which maps function USR names to file paths. These files contain the corresponding AST-dumps.
bool DisplayCTUProgress
Display a message about loading new ASTs.


An Expected instance which contains the ASTUnit pointer or the error occurred during the load.

llvm::Expected<std::string> getFileForFunction(
    llvm::StringRef FunctionName,
    llvm::StringRef CrossTUDir,
    llvm::StringRef IndexName)


Identifies the path of the file which can be used to load the ASTUnit for a given function.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/CrossTU/CrossTranslationUnit.h:319


llvm::StringRef FunctionName
USR name of the function.
llvm::StringRef CrossTUDir
Path to the directory used to store CTU related files.
llvm::StringRef IndexName
Name of the file inside \p CrossTUDir which maps function USR names to file paths. These files contain the corresponding AST-dumps.


An Expected instance containing the filepath.