class PHITransAddr


class PHITransAddr { /* full declaration omitted */ };


PHITransAddr - An address value which tracks and handles phi translation. As we walk "up" the CFG through predecessors, we need to ensure that the address we're tracking is kept up to date. For example, if we're analyzing an address of "&A[i]" and walk through the definition of 'i' which is a PHI node, we *must* phi translate i to get "&A[j]" or else we will analyze an incorrect pointer in the predecessor block. This is designed to be a relatively small object that lives on the stack and is copyable.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/PHITransAddr.h:35

Member Variables

private llvm::Value* Addr
Addr - The actual address we're analyzing.
private const llvm::DataLayout& DL
The DataLayout we are playing with.
private const llvm::TargetLibraryInfo* TLI = nullptr
TLI - The target library info if known, otherwise null.
private llvm::AssumptionCache* AC
A cache of @ llvm.assume calls used by SimplifyInstruction.
private SmallVector<llvm::Instruction*, 4> InstInputs
InstInputs - The inputs for our symbolic address.

Method Overview

  • private llvm::Value * AddAsInput(llvm::Value * V)
  • private llvm::Value * InsertPHITranslatedSubExpr(llvm::Value * InVal, llvm::BasicBlock * CurBB, llvm::BasicBlock * PredBB, const llvm::DominatorTree & DT, SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Instruction *> & NewInsts)
  • public bool IsPotentiallyPHITranslatable() const
  • public bool NeedsPHITranslationFromBlock(llvm::BasicBlock * BB) const
  • public PHITransAddr(llvm::Value * addr, const llvm::DataLayout & DL, llvm::AssumptionCache * AC)
  • private llvm::Value * PHITranslateSubExpr(llvm::Value * V, llvm::BasicBlock * CurBB, llvm::BasicBlock * PredBB, const llvm::DominatorTree * DT)
  • public bool PHITranslateValue(llvm::BasicBlock * CurBB, llvm::BasicBlock * PredBB, const llvm::DominatorTree * DT, bool MustDominate)
  • public llvm::Value * PHITranslateWithInsertion(llvm::BasicBlock * CurBB, llvm::BasicBlock * PredBB, const llvm::DominatorTree & DT, SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Instruction *> & NewInsts)
  • public bool Verify() const
  • public void dump() const
  • public llvm::Value * getAddr() const


llvm::Value* AddAsInput(llvm::Value* V)


AddAsInput - If the specified value is an instruction, add it as an input.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/PHITransAddr.h:116


llvm::Value* V

llvm::Value* InsertPHITranslatedSubExpr(
    llvm::Value* InVal,
    llvm::BasicBlock* CurBB,
    llvm::BasicBlock* PredBB,
    const llvm::DominatorTree& DT,
    SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Instruction*>& NewInsts)


InsertPHITranslatedSubExpr - Insert a computation of the PHI translated version of 'V' for the edge PredBB->CurBB into the end of the PredBB block. All newly created instructions are added to the NewInsts list. This returns null on failure.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/PHITransAddr.h:111


llvm::Value* InVal
llvm::BasicBlock* CurBB
llvm::BasicBlock* PredBB
const llvm::DominatorTree& DT
SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Instruction*>& NewInsts

bool IsPotentiallyPHITranslatable() const


IsPotentiallyPHITranslatable - If this needs PHI translation, return true if we have some hope of doing it. This should be used as a filter to avoid calling PHITranslateValue in hopeless situations.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/PHITransAddr.h:75

bool NeedsPHITranslationFromBlock(
    llvm::BasicBlock* BB) const


NeedsPHITranslationFromBlock - Return true if moving from the specified BasicBlock to its predecessors requires PHI translation.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/PHITransAddr.h:63


llvm::BasicBlock* BB

PHITransAddr(llvm::Value* addr,
             const llvm::DataLayout& DL,
             llvm::AssumptionCache* AC)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/PHITransAddr.h:52


llvm::Value* addr
const llvm::DataLayout& DL
llvm::AssumptionCache* AC

llvm::Value* PHITranslateSubExpr(
    llvm::Value* V,
    llvm::BasicBlock* CurBB,
    llvm::BasicBlock* PredBB,
    const llvm::DominatorTree* DT)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/PHITransAddr.h:103


llvm::Value* V
llvm::BasicBlock* CurBB
llvm::BasicBlock* PredBB
const llvm::DominatorTree* DT

bool PHITranslateValue(
    llvm::BasicBlock* CurBB,
    llvm::BasicBlock* PredBB,
    const llvm::DominatorTree* DT,
    bool MustDominate)


PHITranslateValue - PHI translate the current address up the CFG from CurBB to Pred, updating our state to reflect any needed changes. If 'MustDominate' is true, the translated value must dominate PredBB. This returns true on failure and sets Addr to null.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/PHITransAddr.h:81


llvm::BasicBlock* CurBB
llvm::BasicBlock* PredBB
const llvm::DominatorTree* DT
bool MustDominate

llvm::Value* PHITranslateWithInsertion(
    llvm::BasicBlock* CurBB,
    llvm::BasicBlock* PredBB,
    const llvm::DominatorTree& DT,
    SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Instruction*>& NewInsts)


PHITranslateWithInsertion - PHI translate this value into the specified predecessor block, inserting a computation of the value if it is unavailable. All newly created instructions are added to the NewInsts list. This returns null on failure.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/PHITransAddr.h:91


llvm::BasicBlock* CurBB
llvm::BasicBlock* PredBB
const llvm::DominatorTree& DT
SmallVectorImpl<llvm::Instruction*>& NewInsts

bool Verify() const


Verify - Check internal consistency of this data structure. If the structure is valid, it returns true. If invalid, it prints errors and returns false.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/PHITransAddr.h:100

void dump() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/PHITransAddr.h:95

llvm::Value* getAddr() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/Analysis/PHITransAddr.h:59