struct ForeachLoop


struct ForeachLoop { /* full declaration omitted */ };


ForeachLoop - Record the iteration state associated with a for loop. This is used to instantiate items in the loop body. IterVar is allowed to be null, in which case no iteration variable is defined in the loop at all. (This happens when a ForeachLoop is constructed by desugaring an if statement.)

Declared at: llvm/lib/TableGen/TGParser.h:62

Member Variables

public llvm::SMLoc Loc
public llvm::VarInit* IterVar
public llvm::Init* ListValue
public std::vector<RecordsEntry> Entries

Method Overview

  • public ForeachLoop(llvm::SMLoc Loc, llvm::VarInit * IVar, llvm::Init * LValue)
  • public void dump() const


ForeachLoop(llvm::SMLoc Loc,
            llvm::VarInit* IVar,
            llvm::Init* LValue)

Declared at: llvm/lib/TableGen/TGParser.h:70


llvm::SMLoc Loc
llvm::VarInit* IVar
llvm::Init* LValue

void dump() const

Declared at: llvm/lib/TableGen/TGParser.h:68