struct MCRegisterDesc


struct MCRegisterDesc { /* full declaration omitted */ };


MCRegisterDesc - This record contains information about a particular register. The SubRegs field is a zero terminated array of registers that are sub-registers of the specific register, e.g. AL, AH are sub-registers of AX. The SuperRegs field is a zero terminated array of registers that are super-registers of the specific register, e.g. RAX, EAX, are super-registers of AX.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCRegisterInfo.h:105

Member Variables

public uint32_t Name
public uint32_t SubRegs
public uint32_t SuperRegs
public uint32_t SubRegIndices
public uint32_t RegUnits
public uint16_t RegUnitLaneMasks
Index into list with lane mask sequences. The sequence contains a lanemask for every register unit.