struct MachineFrameInfo


struct MachineFrameInfo { /* full declaration omitted */ };


Serializable representation of MachineFrameInfo. Doesn't serialize attributes like 'StackAlignment', 'IsStackRealignable' and 'RealignOption' as they are determined by the target and LLVM function attributes. It also doesn't serialize attributes like 'NumFixedObject' and 'HasVarSizedObjects' as they are determined by the frame objects themselves.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MIRYamlMapping.h:597

Member Variables

public bool IsFrameAddressTaken = false
public bool IsReturnAddressTaken = false
public bool HasStackMap = false
public bool HasPatchPoint = false
public uint64_t StackSize = 0
public int OffsetAdjustment = 0
public unsigned int MaxAlignment = 0
public bool AdjustsStack = false
public bool HasCalls = false
public llvm::yaml::StringValue StackProtector
public llvm::yaml::StringValue FunctionContext
public unsigned int MaxCallFrameSize = ~0U
~0u means: not computed yet.
public unsigned int CVBytesOfCalleeSavedRegisters = 0
public bool HasOpaqueSPAdjustment = false
public bool HasVAStart = false
public bool HasMustTailInVarArgFunc = false
public bool HasTailCall = false
public unsigned int LocalFrameSize = 0
public llvm::yaml::StringValue SavePoint
public llvm::yaml::StringValue RestorePoint