class DependencyOutputOptions


class DependencyOutputOptions { /* full declaration omitted */ };


DependencyOutputOptions - Options for controlling the compiler dependency file generation.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Frontend/DependencyOutputOptions.h:33

Member Variables

public unsigned int IncludeSystemHeaders
Include system header dependencies.
public unsigned int ShowHeaderIncludes
Show header inclusions (-H).
public unsigned int UsePhonyTargets
Include phony targets for each
public unsigned int AddMissingHeaderDeps
Add missing headers to dependency list
public unsigned int IncludeModuleFiles
Include module file dependencies.
public unsigned int ShowSkippedHeaderIncludes
With ShowHeaderIncludes, show
public clang::ShowIncludesDestination ShowIncludesDest = ShowIncludesDestination::None
Destination of cl.exe style /showIncludes info.
public clang::DependencyOutputFormat OutputFormat = DependencyOutputFormat::Make
The format for the dependency file.
public std::string OutputFile
The file to write dependency output to.
public std::string HeaderIncludeOutputFile
The file to write header include output to. This is orthogonal to ShowHeaderIncludes (-H) and will include headers mentioned in the predefines buffer. If the output file is "-", output will be sent to stderr.
public std::vector<std::string> Targets
A list of names to use as the targets in the dependency file; this list must contain at least one entry.
public std::vector<std::pair<std::string, ExtraDepKind>> ExtraDeps
A list of extra dependencies (filename and kind) to be used for every target.
public std::string ShowIncludesPretendHeader
In /showIncludes mode, pretend the main TU is a header with this name.
public std::string DOTOutputFile
The file to write GraphViz-formatted header dependencies to.
public std::string ModuleDependencyOutputDir
The directory to copy module dependencies to when collecting them.

Method Overview



Declared at: clang/include/clang/Frontend/DependencyOutputOptions.h:80