struct FileCheckDiag


struct FileCheckDiag { /* full declaration omitted */ };


Summary of a FileCheck diagnostic.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/FileCheck/FileCheck.h:113

Member Variables

public Check::FileCheckType CheckTy
What is the FileCheck directive for this diagnostic?
public llvm::SMLoc CheckLoc
Where is the FileCheck directive for this diagnostic?
public enum MatchType MatchTy
public unsigned int InputStartLine
The search range if MatchTy starts with MatchNone, or the match range otherwise.
public unsigned int InputStartCol
public unsigned int InputEndLine
public unsigned int InputEndCol
public std::string Note
A note to replace the one normally indicated by MatchTy, or the empty string if none.

Method Overview

  • public FileCheckDiag(const llvm::SourceMgr & SM, const Check::FileCheckType & CheckTy, llvm::SMLoc CheckLoc, llvm::FileCheckDiag::MatchType MatchTy, llvm::SMRange InputRange, llvm::StringRef Note = "")


    const llvm::SourceMgr& SM,
    const Check::FileCheckType& CheckTy,
    llvm::SMLoc CheckLoc,
    llvm::FileCheckDiag::MatchType MatchTy,
    llvm::SMRange InputRange,
    llvm::StringRef Note = "")

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/FileCheck/FileCheck.h:170


const llvm::SourceMgr& SM
const Check::FileCheckType& CheckTy
llvm::SMLoc CheckLoc
llvm::FileCheckDiag::MatchType MatchTy
llvm::SMRange InputRange
llvm::StringRef Note = ""