class MCSectionWasm


class MCSectionWasm : public MCSection { /* full declaration omitted */ };


This represents a section on wasm.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:26

Inherits from: MCSection

Member Variables

private unsigned int UniqueID
private const llvm::MCSymbolWasm* Group
private uint64_t SectionOffset = 0
private uint32_t SegmentIndex = 0
private bool IsPassive = false
private unsigned int SegmentFlags

Inherited from MCSection:

protected Name
protected Variant
protected Kind
public static NonUniqueID = ~0U

Method Overview

Inherited from MCSection:


MCSectionWasm(llvm::StringRef Name,
              llvm::SectionKind K,
              unsigned int SegmentFlags,
              const llvm::MCSymbolWasm* Group,
              unsigned int UniqueID,
              llvm::MCSymbol* Begin)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:48


llvm::StringRef Name
llvm::SectionKind K
unsigned int SegmentFlags
const llvm::MCSymbolWasm* Group
unsigned int UniqueID
llvm::MCSymbol* Begin

static bool classof(const llvm::MCSection* S)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:89


const llvm::MCSection* S

const llvm::MCSymbolWasm* getGroup() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:58

bool getPassive() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:81

uint64_t getSectionOffset() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:75

unsigned int getSegmentFlags() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:59

uint32_t getSegmentIndex() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:78

unsigned int getUniqueID() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:73

bool isUnique() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:72

bool isVirtualSection() const


Check whether this section is "virtual", that is has no actual object file contents.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:65

bool isWasmData() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:67

void printSwitchToSection(
    const llvm::MCAsmInfo& MAI,
    const llvm::Triple& T,
    llvm::raw_ostream& OS,
    const llvm::MCExpr* Subsection) const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:61


const llvm::MCAsmInfo& MAI
const llvm::Triple& T
llvm::raw_ostream& OS
const llvm::MCExpr* Subsection

void setPassive(bool V = true)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:85


bool V = true

void setSectionOffset(uint64_t Offset)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:76


uint64_t Offset

void setSegmentIndex(uint32_t Index)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:79


uint32_t Index

bool shouldOmitSectionDirective(
    llvm::StringRef Name,
    const llvm::MCAsmInfo& MAI) const


Decides whether a '.section' directive should be printed before the section name

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:56


llvm::StringRef Name
const llvm::MCAsmInfo& MAI

bool useCodeAlign() const


Return true if a .align directive should use "optimized nops" to fill instead of 0s.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/MC/MCSectionWasm.h:64