class FileIndexRecord


class FileIndexRecord { /* full declaration omitted */ };


Stores the declaration occurrences seen in a particular source or header file of a translation unit

Declared at: clang/lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.h:26

Member Variables

private clang::FileID FID
private bool IsSystem
private bool IsSorted = false
private std::vector<DeclOccurrence> Decls

Method Overview

  • public FileIndexRecord(clang::FileID FID, bool IsSystem)
  • public void addDeclOccurence(clang::index::SymbolRoleSet Roles, unsigned int Offset, const clang::Decl * D, ArrayRef<clang::index::SymbolRelation> Relations)
  • public void addMacroOccurence(clang::index::SymbolRoleSet Roles, unsigned int Offset, const clang::IdentifierInfo * Name, const clang::MacroInfo * MI)
  • public ArrayRef<clang::index::DeclOccurrence> getDeclOccurrencesSortedByOffset() const
  • public clang::FileID getFileID() const
  • public bool isSystem() const
  • public void print(llvm::raw_ostream & OS, clang::SourceManager & SM) const
  • public void removeHeaderGuardMacros()


FileIndexRecord(clang::FileID FID, bool IsSystem)

Declared at: clang/lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.h:34


clang::FileID FID
bool IsSystem

void addDeclOccurence(
    clang::index::SymbolRoleSet Roles,
    unsigned int Offset,
    const clang::Decl* D,


Adds an occurrence of the canonical declaration \c D at the supplied\c Offset

Declared at: clang/lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.h:48


clang::index::SymbolRoleSet Roles
the roles the occurrence fulfills in this position.
unsigned int Offset
the offset in the file of this occurrence.
const clang::Decl* D
the canonical declaration this is an occurrence of.
ArrayRef<clang::index::SymbolRelation> Relations
the set of symbols related to this occurrence.

void addMacroOccurence(
    clang::index::SymbolRoleSet Roles,
    unsigned int Offset,
    const clang::IdentifierInfo* Name,
    const clang::MacroInfo* MI)


Adds an occurrence of the given macro at the supplied \c Offset.

Declared at: clang/lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.h:57


clang::index::SymbolRoleSet Roles
the roles the occurrence fulfills in this position.
unsigned int Offset
the offset in the file of this occurrence.
const clang::IdentifierInfo* Name
the name of the macro.
const clang::MacroInfo* MI
the canonical declaration this is an occurrence of.

getDeclOccurrencesSortedByOffset() const

Declared at: clang/lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.h:36

clang::FileID getFileID() const

Declared at: clang/lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.h:38

bool isSystem() const

Declared at: clang/lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.h:39

void print(llvm::raw_ostream& OS,
           clang::SourceManager& SM) const

Declared at: clang/lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.h:64


llvm::raw_ostream& OS
clang::SourceManager& SM

void removeHeaderGuardMacros()


Remove any macro occurrences for header guards. When preprocessing, this will only be accurate after HandleEndOfFile.

Declared at: clang/lib/Index/FileIndexRecord.h:62