class RISCVTargetInfo


class RISCVTargetInfo : public TargetInfo { /* full declaration omitted */ };


Exposes information about the current target.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:26

Inherits from: TargetInfo

Member Variables

protected std::string ABI
protected std::string CPU
protected std::unique_ptr<llvm::RISCVISAInfo> ISAInfo
protected static const Builtin::Info[] BuiltinInfo

Inherited from TargetInfo:

protected BigEndian
protected TLSSupported
protected VLASupported
protected NoAsmVariants
protected HasLegalHalfType
protected HasFloat128
protected HasFloat16
protected HasBFloat16
protected HasIbm128
protected HasLongDouble
protected HasFPReturn
protected HasStrictFP
protected MaxAtomicPromoteWidth
protected MaxAtomicInlineWidth
protected SimdDefaultAlign
protected DataLayoutString
protected UserLabelPrefix
protected MCountName
protected RegParmMax
protected SSERegParmMax
protected TheCXXABI
protected AddrSpaceMap
protected ProgramAddrSpace
protected PlatformName
protected PlatformMinVersion
protected HasAlignMac68kSupport
protected RealTypeUsesObjCFPRetMask
protected ComplexLongDoubleUsesFP2Ret
protected HasBuiltinMSVaList
protected IsRenderScriptTarget
protected HasAArch64SVETypes
protected HasRISCVVTypes
protected AllowAMDGPUUnsafeFPAtomics
protected ARMCDECoprocMask
protected MaxOpenCLWorkGroupSize
protected MaxBitIntWidth
protected DarwinTargetVariantTriple
protected UseAddrSpaceMapMangling

Inherited from TransferrableTargetInfo:

public PointerWidth
public PointerAlign
public BoolWidth
public BoolAlign
public IntWidth
public IntAlign
public HalfWidth
public HalfAlign
public BFloat16Width
public BFloat16Align
public FloatWidth
public FloatAlign
public DoubleWidth
public DoubleAlign
public LongDoubleWidth
public LongDoubleAlign
public Float128Align
public Ibm128Align
public LargeArrayMinWidth
public LargeArrayAlign
public LongWidth
public LongAlign
public LongLongWidth
public LongLongAlign
public ShortAccumWidth
public ShortAccumAlign
public AccumWidth
public AccumAlign
public LongAccumWidth
public LongAccumAlign
public ShortFractWidth
public ShortFractAlign
public FractWidth
public FractAlign
public LongFractWidth
public LongFractAlign
public PaddingOnUnsignedFixedPoint
public ShortAccumScale
public AccumScale
public LongAccumScale
public DefaultAlignForAttributeAligned
public MinGlobalAlign
public SuitableAlign
public NewAlign
public MaxVectorAlign
public MaxTLSAlign
public HalfFormat
public BFloat16Format
public FloatFormat
public DoubleFormat
public LongDoubleFormat
public Float128Format
public Ibm128Format
protected SizeType
protected IntMaxType
protected PtrDiffType
protected IntPtrType
protected WCharType
protected WIntType
protected Char16Type
protected Char32Type
protected Int64Type
protected Int16Type
protected SigAtomicType
protected ProcessIDType
protected UseSignedCharForObjCBool
protected UseBitFieldTypeAlignment
protected UseZeroLengthBitfieldAlignment
protected UseLeadingZeroLengthBitfield
protected UseExplicitBitFieldAlignment
protected ZeroLengthBitfieldBoundary
protected MaxAlignedAttribute

Method Overview

Inherited from TargetInfo:


RISCVTargetInfo(const llvm::Triple& Triple,
                const clang::TargetOptions&)

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:33


const llvm::Triple& Triple
const clang::TargetOptions&

std::string convertConstraint(
    const char*& Constraint) const

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:86


const char*& Constraint

llvm::StringRef getABI() const


Get the ABI currently in use.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:53

getBuiltinVaListKind() const


Returns the kind of __builtin_va_list type that should be used with this target.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:59

const char* getClobbers() const


Returns a string of target-specific clobbers, in LLVM format.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:63

llvm::StringRef getConstraintRegister(
    llvm::StringRef Constraint,
    llvm::StringRef Expression) const


Extracts a register from the passed constraint (if it is a single-register constraint) and the asm label expression related to a variable in the input or output list of an inline asm statement. This function is used by Sema in order to diagnose conflicts between the clobber list and the input/output lists.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:65


llvm::StringRef Constraint
llvm::StringRef Expression

int getEHDataRegisterNumber(
    unsigned int RegNo) const


Return the register number that __builtin_eh_return_regno would return with the specified argument. This corresponds with TargetLowering's getExceptionPointerRegister and getExceptionSelectorRegister in the backend.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:72


unsigned int RegNo

getGCCRegAliases() const

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:81

ArrayRef<const char*> getGCCRegNames() const

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:70

ArrayRef<Builtin::Info> getTargetBuiltins() const


Return information about target-specific builtins for the current primary target, and info about which builtins are non-portable across the current set of primary and secondary targets.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:57

void getTargetDefines(
    const clang::LangOptions& Opts,
    clang::MacroBuilder& Builder) const


Appends the target-specific # define values for this target set to the specified buffer.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:54


const clang::LangOptions& Opts
clang::MacroBuilder& Builder

bool handleTargetFeatures(
    std::vector<std::string>& Features,
    clang::DiagnosticsEngine& Diags)


Perform initialization based on the user configured set of features.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:95


std::vector<std::string>& Features
clang::DiagnosticsEngine& Diags

bool hasBitIntType() const


Determine whether the _BitInt type is supported on this target. This limitation is put into place for ABI reasons. FIXME: _BitInt is a required type in C23, so there's not much utility in asking whether the target supported it or not; I think this should be removed once backends have been alerted to the type and have had the chance to do implementation work if needed.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:98

bool hasFeature(llvm::StringRef Feature) const


Return true if has this feature, need to sync with handleTargetFeatures.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:93


llvm::StringRef Feature

bool initFeatureMap(
    llvm::StringMap<bool>& Features,
    clang::DiagnosticsEngine& Diags,
    llvm::StringRef CPU,
    const std::vector<std::string>& FeaturesVec)


Initialize the map with the default set of target features for the CPU this should include all legal feature strings on the target.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:89


llvm::StringMap<bool>& Features
clang::DiagnosticsEngine& Diags
llvm::StringRef CPU
const std::vector<std::string>& FeaturesVec


False on error (invalid features).

bool setCPU(const std::string& Name)


Target the specified CPU.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:46


const std::string& Name


False on error (invalid CPU name).

bool useFP16ConversionIntrinsics() const


Check whether llvm intrinsics such as should be used to convert to and from __fp16. FIXME: This function should be removed once all targets stop using the conversion intrinsics.

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:100

bool validateAsmConstraint(
    const char*& Name,
    TargetInfo::ConstraintInfo& Info) const

Declared at: clang/lib/Basic/Targets/RISCV.h:83


const char*& Name
TargetInfo::ConstraintInfo& Info