class LangOptions


class LangOptions : public LangOptionsBase { /* full declaration omitted */ };


Keeps track of the various options that can be enabled, which controls the dialect of C or C++ that is accepted.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:78

Inherits from: LangOptionsBase

Member Variables

public LangStandard::Kind LangStd
The used language standard.
public clang::SanitizerSet Sanitize
Set of enabled sanitizers.
public bool SanitizeCoverage = false
Is at least one coverage instrumentation type enabled.
public std::vector<std::string> NoSanitizeFiles
Paths to files specifying which objects (files, functions, variables) should not be instrumented.
public std::vector<std::string> XRayAlwaysInstrumentFiles
Paths to the XRay "always instrument" files specifying which objects (files, functions, variables) should be imbued with the XRay "always instrument" attribute. WARNING: This is a deprecated field and will go away in the future.
public std::vector<std::string> XRayNeverInstrumentFiles
Paths to the XRay "never instrument" files specifying which objects (files, functions, variables) should be imbued with the XRay "never instrument" attribute. WARNING: This is a deprecated field and will go away in the future.
public std::vector<std::string> XRayAttrListFiles
Paths to the XRay attribute list files, specifying which objects (files, functions, variables) should be imbued with the appropriate XRay attribute(s).
public std::vector<std::string> ProfileListFiles
Paths to special case list files specifying which entities (files, functions) should or should not be instrumented.
public clang::ObjCRuntime ObjCRuntime
public clang::LangOptions::CoreFoundationABI CFRuntime = CoreFoundationABI::Unspecified
public std::string ObjCConstantStringClass
public std::string OverflowHandler
If none is specified, abort (GCC-compatible behaviour).
public std::string ModuleName
The module currently being compiled as specified by -fmodule-name.
public std::string CurrentModule
The name of the current module, of which the main source file is a part. If CompilingModule is set, we are compiling the interface of this module, otherwise we are compiling an implementation file of it. This starts as ModuleName in case -fmodule-name is provided and changes during compilation to reflect the current module.
public std::vector<std::string> ModuleFeatures
This list is sorted.
public clang::CommentOptions CommentOpts
Options for parsing comments.
public std::vector<std::string> NoBuiltinFuncs
A list of all -fno-builtin-* function names (e.g., memset).
public std::map<std::string, std::string, std::greater<std::string>> MacroPrefixMap
A prefix map for __FILE__, __BASE_FILE__ and __builtin_FILE().
public std::vector<llvm::Triple> OMPTargetTriples
Triples of the OpenMP targets that the host code codegen should take into account in order to generate accurate offloading descriptors.
public std::string OMPHostIRFile
Name of the IR file that contains the result of the OpenMP target host code generation.
public std::string CUID
The user provided compilation unit ID, if non-empty. This is used to externalize static variables which is needed to support accessing static device variables in host code for single source offloading languages like CUDA/HIP.
public llvm::Optional<TargetCXXABI::Kind> CXXABI
C++ ABI to compile with, if specified by the frontend through -fc++-abi=. This overrides the default ABI used by the target.
public bool IsHeaderFile = false
Indicates whether the front-end is explicitly told that the input is a header file (i.e. -x c-header).
public clang::LangOptions::GPUDefaultStreamKind GPUDefaultStream
The default stream kind used for HIP kernel launching.
public std::string RandstructSeed
The seed used by the randomize structure layout feature.
public bool UseTargetPathSeparator = false
The plaform-specific path separator is the backslash( \ ) for Windows and forward slash (/) elsewhere.

Inherited from LangOptionsBase:

public C99
public C11
public C17
public C2x
public MSVCCompat
public Kernel
public MicrosoftExt
public AsmBlocks
public Borland
public CPlusPlus
public CPlusPlus11
public CPlusPlus14
public CPlusPlus17
public CPlusPlus20
public CPlusPlus2b
public ObjC
public ObjCDefaultSynthProperties
public EncodeExtendedBlockSig
public EncodeCXXClassTemplateSpec
public ObjCInferRelatedResultType
public AppExt
public Trigraphs
public LineComment
public Bool
public Half
public WChar
public Char8
public IEEE128
public DeclSpecKeyword
public DollarIdents
public AsmPreprocessor
public GNUMode
public GNUKeywords
public GNUCVersion
public DisableKNRFunctions
public Digraphs
public HexFloats
public CXXOperatorNames
public AppleKext
public PascalStrings
public WritableStrings
public ConstStrings
public ConvergentFunctions
public AltiVec
public ZVector
public Exceptions
public ObjCExceptions
public CXXExceptions
public EHAsynch
public IgnoreExceptions
public ExternCNoUnwind
public TraditionalCPP
public RTTI
public RTTIData
public MSBitfields
public Freestanding
public NoBuiltin
public NoMathBuiltin
public GNUAsm
public Coroutines
public DllExportInlines
public RelaxedTemplateTemplateArgs
public ExperimentalLibrary
public DoubleSquareBracketAttributes
public RecoveryAST
public RecoveryASTType
public ThreadsafeStatics
public POSIXThreads
public Blocks
public EmitAllDecls
public MathErrno
public HeinousExtensions
public Modules
public ModulesTS
public CPlusPlusModules
public CompilingPCH
public BuildingPCHWithObjectFile
public CacheGeneratedPCH
public PCHInstantiateTemplates
public ModulesDeclUse
public ModulesSearchAll
public ModulesStrictDeclUse
public ModulesErrorRecovery
public ImplicitModules
public ModulesLocalVisibility
public Optimize
public OptimizeSize
public Static
public PackStruct
public MaxTypeAlign
public AlignDouble
public DoubleSize
public LongDoubleSize
public PPCIEEELongDouble
public EnableAIXExtendedAltivecABI
public EnableAIXQuadwordAtomicsABI
public PICLevel
public PIE
public ROPI
public RWPI
public GNUInline
public NoInlineDefine
public Deprecated
public FastMath
public FiniteMathOnly
public UnsafeFPMath
public ProtectParens
public AllowFPReassoc
public NoHonorNaNs
public NoHonorInfs
public NoSignedZero
public AllowRecip
public ApproxFunc
public ObjCGCBitmapPrint
public AccessControl
public CharIsSigned
public WCharSize
public WCharIsSigned
public ShortEnums
public OpenCL
public OpenCLVersion
public OpenCLCPlusPlus
public OpenCLCPlusPlusVersion
public OpenCLGenericAddressSpace
public OpenCLPipes
public NativeHalfType
public NativeHalfArgsAndReturns
public HalfArgsAndReturns
public CUDA
public HIP
public OpenMP
public OpenMPExtensions
public OpenMPSimd
public OpenMPUseTLS
public OpenMPIsDevice
public OpenMPCUDAMode
public OpenMPIRBuilder
public OpenMPCUDAForceFullRuntime
public OpenMPCUDANumSMs
public OpenMPCUDABlocksPerSM
public OpenMPCUDAReductionBufNum
public OpenMPTargetDebug
public OpenMPOptimisticCollapse
public OpenMPThreadSubscription
public OpenMPTeamSubscription
public OpenMPNoThreadState
public OpenMPOffloadMandatory
public NoGPULib
public RenderScript
public HLSL
public CUDAIsDevice
public CUDAAllowVariadicFunctions
public CUDAHostDeviceConstexpr
public CUDADeviceApproxTranscendentals
public GPURelocatableDeviceCode
public GPUAllowDeviceInit
public GPUMaxThreadsPerBlock
public GPUDeferDiag
public GPUExcludeWrongSideOverloads
public OffloadingNewDriver
public SYCLIsDevice
public SYCLIsHost
public HIPUseNewLaunchAPI
public SizedDeallocation
public AlignedAllocation
public AlignedAllocationUnavailable
public NewAlignOverride
public ModulesCodegen
public ModulesDebugInfo
public ElideConstructors
public DumpRecordLayouts
public DumpRecordLayoutsSimple
public DumpRecordLayoutsCanonical
public DumpRecordLayoutsComplete
public DumpVTableLayouts
public NoConstantCFStrings
public InlineVisibilityHidden
public IgnoreXCOFFVisibility
public VisibilityInlinesHiddenStaticLocalVar
public GlobalAllocationFunctionVisibilityHidden
public NewInfallible
public ParseUnknownAnytype
public DebuggerSupport
public DebuggerCastResultToId
public DebuggerObjCLiteral
public SpellChecking
public SinglePrecisionConstants
public FastRelaxedMath
public CLNoSignedZero
public CLUnsafeMath
public CLFiniteMathOnly
public ExpStrictFP
public RoundingMath
public NoBitFieldTypeAlign
public HexagonQdsp6Compat
public ObjCAutoRefCount
public ObjCWeakRuntime
public ObjCWeak
public ObjCSubscriptingLegacyRuntime
public CompatibilityQualifiedIdBlockParamTypeChecking
public ObjCDisableDirectMethodsForTesting
public CFProtectionBranch
public FakeAddressSpaceMap
public IncludeDefaultHeader
public DeclareOpenCLBuiltins
public DelayedTemplateParsing
public BlocksRuntimeOptional
public CompleteMemberPointers
public SetVisibilityForExternDecls
public VisibilityFromDLLStorageClass
public SemanticInterposition
public HalfNoSemanticInterposition
public TrivialAutoVarInitStopAfter
public ArrowDepth
public InstantiationDepth
public ConstexprCallDepth
public ConstexprStepLimit
public EnableNewConstInterp
public BracketDepth
public NumLargeByValueCopy
public MSCompatibilityVersion
public ApplePragmaPack
public XLPragmaPack
public RetainCommentsFromSystemHeaders
public SanitizeAddressFieldPadding
public Cmse
public XRayInstrument
public XRayAlwaysEmitCustomEvents
public XRayAlwaysEmitTypedEvents
public ForceEmitVTables
public AllowEditorPlaceholders
public FunctionAlignment
public LoopAlignment
public FixedPoint
public PaddingOnUnsignedFixedPoint
public RegisterStaticDestructors
public MatrixTypes
public StrictFlexArrays
public MaxTokens
public BranchTargetEnforcement
public SpeculativeLoadHardening
public RelativeCXXABIVTables
public VScaleMin
public VScaleMax
public FuchsiaAPILevel
public MaxBitIntWidth
protected LaxVectorConversions
protected AltivecSrcCompat
protected ExceptionHandling
protected CompilingModule
protected MSPointerToMemberRepresentationMethod
protected DefaultCallingConv
protected HLSLVersion
protected SYCLVersion
protected DefaultVisibilityExportMapping
protected DefaultFPContractMode
protected FPExceptionMode
protected FPEvalMethod
protected AddressSpaceMapMangling
protected GC
protected ValueVisibilityMode
protected TypeVisibilityMode
protected DLLExportVisibility
protected NoDLLStorageClassVisibility
protected ExternDeclDLLImportVisibility
protected ExternDeclNoDLLStorageClassVisibility
protected StackProtector
protected TrivialAutoVarInit
protected SignedOverflowBehavior
protected ThreadModel
protected VtorDispMode
protected ClangABICompat
protected SignReturnAddressScope
protected SignReturnAddressKey
protected ExtendIntArgs

Method Overview



Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:470

bool allowsNonTrivialObjCLifetimeQualifiers()


True if any ObjC types may have non-trivial lifetime qualifiers.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:525

bool assumeFunctionsAreConvergent() const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:529

getDefaultExceptionMode() const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:617

getDefaultRoundingMode() const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:612

unsigned int getOpenCLCompatibleVersion() const


Return the OpenCL version that kernel language is compatible with

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:537

std::string getOpenCLVersionString() const


Return the OpenCL C or C++ for OpenCL language name and version as a string.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:541

llvm::VersionTuple getOpenCLVersionTuple() const


Return the OpenCL C or C++ version as a VersionTuple.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:534

bool hasDWARFExceptions() const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:584

bool hasDefaultVisibilityExportMapping() const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:594

bool hasSEHExceptions() const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:580

bool hasSignReturnAddress() const


Check if return address signing is enabled.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:562

bool hasSjLjExceptions() const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:576

bool hasWasmExceptions() const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:588

bool implicitFunctionsAllowed() const


Returns true if implicit function declarations are allowed in the current language mode.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:551

bool isAllDefaultVisibilityExportMapping() const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:604

bool isCompatibleWithMSVC(
        MajorVersion) const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:512


clang::LangOptions::MSVCMajorVersion MajorVersion

bool isCompilingModule() const


Are we compiling a module interface (.cppm or module map)?

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:494

bool isExplicitDefaultVisibilityExportMapping()

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:599

bool isImplicitIntAllowed() const


Returns true if implicit int is supported at all.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:559

bool isImplicitIntRequired() const


Returns true if implicit int is part of the language requirements.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:556

bool isNoBuiltinFunc(llvm::StringRef Name) const


Is this a libc/libm function that is no longer recognized as a builtin because a -fno-builtin-* option has been specified?

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:522


llvm::StringRef Name

bool isSYCL() const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:592

bool isSignReturnAddressScopeAll() const


Check if leaf functions are also signed.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:572

bool isSignReturnAddressWithAKey() const


Check if return address signing uses AKey.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:567

bool isSignedOverflowDefined() const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:503

bool isSubscriptPointerArithmetic() const

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:507

void remapPathPrefix(
    SmallVectorImpl<char>& Path) const


Remap path prefix according to -fmacro-prefix-path option.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:610


SmallVectorImpl<char>& Path

bool requiresStrictPrototypes() const


Returns true if functions without prototypes or functions with an identifier list (aka K &R C functions) are not allowed.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:545

void resetNonModularOptions()


Reset all of the options that are not considered when building a module.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:518

static void setLangDefaults(
    clang::LangOptions& Opts,
    clang::Language Lang,
    const llvm::Triple& T,
    std::vector<std::string>& Includes,
    LangStandard::Kind LangStd =


Set language defaults for the given input language and language standard in the given LangOptions object.

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:482


clang::LangOptions& Opts
- The LangOptions object to set up.
clang::Language Lang
- The input language.
const llvm::Triple& T
- The target triple.
std::vector<std::string>& Includes
- If the language requires extra headers to be implicitly included, they will be appended to this list.
LangStandard::Kind LangStd = LangStandard::lang_unspecified
- The input language standard.

bool trackLocalOwningModule() const


Do we need to track the owning module for a local declaration?

Declared at: clang/include/clang/Basic/LangOptions.h:499