class CompileUnit


class CompileUnit { /* full declaration omitted */ };


Stores all information relating to a compile unit, be it in its original instance in the object file to its brand new cloned and generated DIE tree.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:47

Member Variables

private llvm::DWARFUnit& OrigUnit
private unsigned int ID
private std::vector<DIEInfo> Info
DIE info indexed by DIE index.
private Optional<llvm::BasicDIEUnit> NewUnit
private llvm::MCSymbol* LabelBegin = nullptr
private uint64_t StartOffset
private uint64_t NextUnitOffset
private uint64_t LowPc = std::numeric_limits<unsigned long>::max()
private uint64_t HighPc = 0
private std::vector<std::tuple<DIE*, const CompileUnit*, DeclContext*, PatchLocation>> ForwardDIEReferences
The offsets for the attributes in this array couldn't be set while cloning because for cross-cu forward references the target DIE's offset isn't known you emit the reference attribute.
private llvm::RangesTy Ranges
The ranges in that map are the PC ranges for functions in this unit, associated with the PC offset to apply to the addresses to get the linked address.
private SmallDenseMap<uint64_t, uint64_t, 1> Labels
The DW_AT_low_pc of each DW_TAG_label.
private std::vector<PatchLocation> RangeAttributes
DW_AT_ranges attributes to patch after we have gathered all the unit's function addresses. @ {
private Optional<llvm::PatchLocation> UnitRangeAttribute
private std::vector<std::pair<PatchLocation, int64_t>> LocationAttributes
Location attributes that need to be transferred from the original debug_loc section to the liked one. They are stored along with the PC offset that is to be applied to their function's address.
private std::vector<AccelInfo> Pubnames
Accelerator entries for the unit, both for the pub* sections and the apple* ones. @ {
private std::vector<AccelInfo> Pubtypes
private std::vector<AccelInfo> Namespaces
private std::vector<AccelInfo> ObjC
private bool HasODR
Is this unit subject to the ODR rule?
private uint16_t Language = 0
The DW_AT_language of this unit.
private std::string SysRoot
The DW_AT_LLVM_sysroot of this unit.
private std::string ClangModuleName
If this is a Clang module, this holds the module's name.

Method Overview


CompileUnit(llvm::DWARFUnit& OrigUnit,
            unsigned int ID,
            bool CanUseODR,
            llvm::StringRef ClangModuleName)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:82


llvm::DWARFUnit& OrigUnit
unsigned int ID
bool CanUseODR
llvm::StringRef ClangModuleName

void addFunctionRange(uint64_t LowPC,
                      uint64_t HighPC,
                      int64_t PCOffset)


Add a function range [\p LowPC, \p HighPC) that is relocated by applying offset \p PCOffset.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:179


uint64_t LowPC
uint64_t HighPC
int64_t PCOffset

void addLabelLowPc(uint64_t LabelLowPc,
                   int64_t PcOffset)


Add the low_pc of a label that is relocated by applying offset \p PCOffset.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:175


uint64_t LabelLowPc
int64_t PcOffset

void addNameAccelerator(
    const llvm::DIE* Die,
    llvm::DwarfStringPoolEntryRef Name,
    bool SkipPubnamesSection = false)


Add a name accelerator entry for \a Die with \a Name.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:192


const llvm::DIE* Die
llvm::DwarfStringPoolEntryRef Name
bool SkipPubnamesSection = false

void addNamespaceAccelerator(
    const llvm::DIE* Die,
    llvm::DwarfStringPoolEntryRef Name)


Add a name accelerator entry for \a Die with \a Name.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:189


const llvm::DIE* Die
llvm::DwarfStringPoolEntryRef Name

void addObjCAccelerator(
    const llvm::DIE* Die,
    llvm::DwarfStringPoolEntryRef Name,
    bool SkipPubnamesSection = false)


Add various accelerator entries for \p Die with \p Name which is stored in the string table at \p Offset. \p Name must be an Objective-C selector.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:198


const llvm::DIE* Die
llvm::DwarfStringPoolEntryRef Name
bool SkipPubnamesSection = false

void addTypeAccelerator(
    const llvm::DIE* Die,
    llvm::DwarfStringPoolEntryRef Name,
    bool ObjcClassImplementation,
    uint32_t QualifiedNameHash)


Add a type accelerator entry for \p Die with \p Name which is stored in the string table at \p Offset.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:203


const llvm::DIE* Die
llvm::DwarfStringPoolEntryRef Name
bool ObjcClassImplementation
uint32_t QualifiedNameHash

uint64_t computeNextUnitOffset(
    uint16_t DwarfVersion)


Compute the end offset for this unit. Must be called after the CU's DIEs have been cloned.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:161


uint16_t DwarfVersion


the next unit offset (which is also the current debug_info section size).

void createOutputDIE()

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:106

void fixupForwardReferences()


Apply all fixups recorded by noteForwardReference().

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:171

const std::string& getClangModuleName() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:120

const llvm::RangesTy& getFunctionRanges() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:142

uint64_t getHighPc() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:135

llvm::CompileUnit::DIEInfo& getInfo(
    unsigned int Idx)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:122


unsigned int Idx

const llvm::CompileUnit::DIEInfo& getInfo(
    unsigned int Idx) const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:123


unsigned int Idx

llvm::CompileUnit::DIEInfo& getInfo(
    const llvm::DWARFDie& Die)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:125


const llvm::DWARFDie& Die

llvm::MCSymbol* getLabelBegin()

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:239

uint16_t getLanguage()

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:116

const std::vector<
    std::pair<PatchLocation, int64_t>>&
getLocationAttributes() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:149

uint64_t getLowPc() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:134

const std::vector<AccelInfo>& getNamespaces()

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:236

uint64_t getNextUnitOffset() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:131

const std::vector<AccelInfo>& getObjC() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:237

llvm::DWARFUnit& getOrigUnit() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:102

llvm::DIE* getOutputUnitDIE() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:108

const std::vector<AccelInfo>& getPubnames() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:234

const std::vector<AccelInfo>& getPubtypes() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:235

const std::vector<PatchLocation>&
getRangesAttributes() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:144

uint64_t getStartOffset() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:130

llvm::StringRef getSysRoot()


Return the DW_AT_LLVM_sysroot of the compile unit or an empty StringRef.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:118

unsigned int getUniqueID() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:104

getUnitRangesAttribute() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:138

bool hasLabelAt(uint64_t Addr) const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:136


uint64_t Addr

bool hasODR() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:114

bool isClangModule() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:115

void markEverythingAsKept()


Mark every DIE in this unit as kept. This function also marks variables as InDebugMap so that they appear in the reconstructed accelerator tables.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:156

void noteForwardReference(
    llvm::DIE* Die,
    const llvm::CompileUnit* RefUnit,
    llvm::DeclContext* Ctxt,
    llvm::PatchLocation Attr)


Keep track of a forward reference to DIE \p Die in \p RefUnit by \p Attr. The attribute should be fixed up later to point to the absolute offset of \p Die in the debug_info section or to the canonical offset of\p Ctxt if it is non-null.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:167


llvm::DIE* Die
const llvm::CompileUnit* RefUnit
llvm::DeclContext* Ctxt
llvm::PatchLocation Attr

void noteLocationAttribute(
    llvm::PatchLocation Attr,
    int64_t PcOffset)


Keep track of a location attribute pointing to a location list in the debug_loc section.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:186


llvm::PatchLocation Attr
int64_t PcOffset

void noteRangeAttribute(const llvm::DIE& Die,
                        llvm::PatchLocation Attr)


Keep track of a DW_AT_range attribute that we will need to patch up later.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:182


const llvm::DIE& Die
llvm::PatchLocation Attr

void setLabelBegin(llvm::MCSymbol* S)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:240


llvm::MCSymbol* S

void setStartOffset(uint64_t DebugInfoSize)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/DWARFLinker/DWARFLinkerCompileUnit.h:132


uint64_t DebugInfoSize