struct SpillPlacement::Node


struct SpillPlacement::Node { /* full declaration omitted */ };


Node - Each edge bundle corresponds to a Hopfield node. The node contains precomputed frequency data that only depends on the CFG, but Bias and Links are computed each time placeSpills is called. The node Value is positive when the variable should be in a register. The value can change when linked nodes change, but convergence is very fast because all weights are positive.

Declared at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/SpillPlacement.cpp:75

Member Variables

public llvm::BlockFrequency BiasN
BiasN - Sum of blocks that prefer a spill.
public llvm::BlockFrequency BiasP
BiasP - Sum of blocks that prefer a register.
public int Value
Value - Output value of this node computed from the Bias and links. This is always on of the values {-1, 0, 1}. A positive number means the variable should go in a register through this bundle.
Links - (Weight, BundleNo) for all transparent blocks connecting to other bundles. The weights are all positive block frequencies.
public llvm::BlockFrequency SumLinkWeights
SumLinkWeights - Cached sum of the weights of all links + ThresHold.

Method Overview

  • public void addBias(llvm::BlockFrequency freq, llvm::SpillPlacement::BorderConstraint direction)
  • public void addLink(unsigned int b, llvm::BlockFrequency w)
  • public void clear(const llvm::BlockFrequency & Threshold)
  • public void getDissentingNeighbors(SparseSet<unsigned int> & List, const llvm::SpillPlacement::Node * nodes) const
  • public bool mustSpill() const
  • public bool preferReg() const
  • public bool update(const llvm::SpillPlacement::Node * nodes, const llvm::BlockFrequency & Threshold)


void addBias(
    llvm::BlockFrequency freq,


addBias - Bias this node.

Declared at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/SpillPlacement.cpp:134


llvm::BlockFrequency freq
llvm::SpillPlacement::BorderConstraint direction

void addLink(unsigned int b,
             llvm::BlockFrequency w)


addLink - Add a link to bundle b with weight w.

Declared at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/SpillPlacement.cpp:119


unsigned int b
llvm::BlockFrequency w

void clear(const llvm::BlockFrequency& Threshold)


clear - Reset per-query data, but preserve frequencies that only depend on the CFG.

Declared at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/SpillPlacement.cpp:112


const llvm::BlockFrequency& Threshold

void getDissentingNeighbors(
    SparseSet<unsigned int>& List,
    const llvm::SpillPlacement::Node* nodes) const

Declared at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/SpillPlacement.cpp:181


SparseSet<unsigned int>& List
const llvm::SpillPlacement::Node* nodes

bool mustSpill() const


mustSpill - Return True if this node is so biased that it must spill.

Declared at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/SpillPlacement.cpp:103

bool preferReg() const


preferReg - Return true when this node prefers to be in a register.

Declared at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/SpillPlacement.cpp:97

bool update(
    const llvm::SpillPlacement::Node* nodes,
    const llvm::BlockFrequency& Threshold)


update - Recompute Value from Bias and Links. Return true when node preference changes.

Declared at: llvm/lib/CodeGen/SpillPlacement.cpp:152


const llvm::SpillPlacement::Node* nodes
const llvm::BlockFrequency& Threshold