class ScheduleDAGMILive


class ScheduleDAGMILive : public ScheduleDAGMI { /* full declaration omitted */ };


ScheduleDAGMILive is an implementation of ScheduleDAGInstrs that schedules machine instructions while updating LiveIntervals and tracking regpressure.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:392

Inherits from: ScheduleDAGMI

Member Variables

protected llvm::RegisterClassInfo* RegClassInfo
protected llvm::SchedDFSResult* DFSResult = nullptr
Information about DAG subtrees. If DFSResult is NULL, then SchedulerTrees will be empty.
protected llvm::BitVector ScheduledTrees
protected MachineBasicBlock::iterator LiveRegionEnd
protected llvm::VReg2SUnitMultiMap VRegUses
Maps vregs to the SUnits of their uses in the current scheduling region.
protected llvm::PressureDiffs SUPressureDiffs
protected bool ShouldTrackPressure = false
Register pressure in this region computed by initRegPressure.
protected bool ShouldTrackLaneMasks = false
protected llvm::IntervalPressure RegPressure
protected llvm::RegPressureTracker RPTracker
protected std::vector<PressureChange> RegionCriticalPSets
List of pressure sets that exceed the target's pressure limit before scheduling, listed in increasing set ID order. Each pressure set is paired with its max pressure in the currently scheduled regions.
protected llvm::IntervalPressure TopPressure
The top of the unscheduled zone.
protected llvm::RegPressureTracker TopRPTracker
protected llvm::IntervalPressure BotPressure
The bottom of the unscheduled zone.
protected llvm::RegPressureTracker BotRPTracker

Inherited from ScheduleDAGMI:

protected AA
protected LIS
protected SchedImpl
protected Mutations
protected CurrentTop
protected CurrentBottom
protected NextClusterPred = nullptr
protected NextClusterSucc = nullptr

Inherited from ScheduleDAGInstrs:

protected MLI
protected MFI
protected SchedModel
protected RemoveKillFlags
protected CanHandleTerminators = false
protected TrackLaneMasks = false
protected BB
protected RegionBegin
protected RegionEnd
protected NumRegionInstrs
protected MISUnitMap
protected Defs
protected Uses
protected CurrentVRegDefs
protected CurrentVRegUses
protected AAForDep = nullptr
protected BarrierChain = nullptr
protected UnknownValue
protected Topo
protected DbgValues
protected FirstDbgValue = nullptr
protected LiveRegs

Inherited from ScheduleDAG:

public TM
public TII
public TRI
public MF
public MRI
public SUnits
public EntrySU
public ExitSU
public StressSched

Method Overview

Inherited from ScheduleDAGMI:

Inherited from ScheduleDAGInstrs:

Inherited from ScheduleDAG:


    llvm::MachineSchedContext* C,
    std::unique_ptr<MachineSchedStrategy> S)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:431


llvm::MachineSchedContext* C
std::unique_ptr<MachineSchedStrategy> S

void buildDAGWithRegPressure()


Call ScheduleDAGInstrs::buildSchedGraph with register pressure tracking enabled. This sets up three trackers. RPTracker will cover the entire DAG region, TopTracker and BottomTracker will be initialized to the top and bottom of the DAG region without covereing any unscheduled instruction.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:500

void collectVRegUses(llvm::SUnit& SU)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:518


llvm::SUnit& SU

unsigned int computeCyclicCriticalPath()


Compute the cyclic critical path through the DAG.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:489

void computeDFSResult()


Compute a DFSResult after DAG building is complete, and before any queue comparisons.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:469

void dump() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:491

void enterRegion(
    llvm::MachineBasicBlock* bb,
    MachineBasicBlock::iterator begin,
    MachineBasicBlock::iterator end,
    unsigned int regioninstrs)


Implement the ScheduleDAGInstrs interface for handling the next scheduling region. This covers all instructions in a block, while schedule() may only cover a subset.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:479


llvm::MachineBasicBlock* bb
MachineBasicBlock::iterator begin
MachineBasicBlock::iterator end
unsigned int regioninstrs

const llvm::IntervalPressure& getBotPressure()


Get current register pressure for the bottom scheduled instructions.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:450

const llvm::RegPressureTracker& getBotRPTracker()

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:451

const llvm::SchedDFSResult* getDFSResult() const


Return a non-null DFS result if the scheduling strategy initialized it.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:472

llvm::PressureDiff& getPressureDiff(
    const llvm::SUnit* SU)

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:460


const llvm::SUnit* SU

const llvm::PressureDiff& getPressureDiff(
    const llvm::SUnit* SU) const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:463


const llvm::SUnit* SU

const llvm::IntervalPressure& getRegPressure()


Get register pressure for the entire scheduling region before scheduling.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:454

const std::vector<PressureChange>&
getRegionCriticalPSets() const

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:456

llvm::BitVector& getScheduledTrees()

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:474

const llvm::IntervalPressure& getTopPressure()


Get current register pressure for the top scheduled instructions.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:446

const llvm::RegPressureTracker& getTopRPTracker()

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:447

bool hasVRegLiveness() const


Return true if this DAG supports VReg liveness and RegPressure.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:440

void initQueues(ArrayRef<llvm::SUnit*> TopRoots,
                ArrayRef<llvm::SUnit*> BotRoots)


Release ExitSU predecessors and setup scheduler queues. Re-position the Top RP tracker in case the region beginning has changed.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:504


ArrayRef<llvm::SUnit*> TopRoots
ArrayRef<llvm::SUnit*> BotRoots

void initRegPressure()

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:511

bool isTrackingPressure() const


Return true if register pressure tracking is enabled.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:443

void schedule()


Implement ScheduleDAGInstrs interface for scheduling a sequence of reorderable instructions.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:486

void scheduleMI(llvm::SUnit* SU, bool IsTopNode)


Move an instruction and update register pressure.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:507


llvm::SUnit* SU
bool IsTopNode

void updatePressureDiffs(
    ArrayRef<llvm::RegisterMaskPair> LiveUses)


Update the PressureDiff array for liveness after scheduling this instruction.

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:513


ArrayRef<llvm::RegisterMaskPair> LiveUses

void updateScheduledPressure(
    const llvm::SUnit* SU,
    const std::vector<unsigned int>&

Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:515


const llvm::SUnit* SU
const std::vector<unsigned int>& NewMaxPressure


Declared at: llvm/include/llvm/CodeGen/MachineScheduler.h:437